Seek first the
kingdom of God
and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Matthew 6:33 ESV
What does it mean to
know God personally?
To know God personally means to know him as a fact and to know him by experience. Factual knowledge about God means to believe that God exists based on the revelation of his creations, both the visible and invisible worlds. Experiencing God is walking with him daily based on who he is, what he says in his word, and what he promises he will do. The result of knowing God is having eternal life, which is a godly lifestyle with the power of his Spirit in this life and the life after.

1. Know God personally
“The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It’s our handle on what we can’t see. The act of faith is what distinguished our ancestors, set them above the crowd. By faith, we see the world called into existence by God’s word, what we see created by what we don’t see.”Hebrews 11:1-3 MSG
1. Know God personally
“And without faith, it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.” Hebrews 11:6 ESV

1. Know God personally
“And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.”John 17:3 ESV
How can you know God personally?
To know God personally is humanly impossible because God is infinite, but humans are finite beings. The only way to know God is for God to reveal himself to us. God reveals himself through his creations, his word, Spirit, speaking to the human spirit, and most importantly, through Jesus.

Our Ministries

6 PM-8PM
Kingdom men ministry, every month

6 PM-8PM
Kingdom women ministry, Bi-Wednesday

8 AM-10AM
Kingdom Children ministry, every week

7 PM-9PM
Kingdom Youth ministry, every month

Our Beliefs
- We believe there is one eternal God over all existing as the Father who reveals himself through Jesus, his Son, and his Spirit. Isaiah 40:28; John 17:3; 1 Corinthians 2; Hebrews 1.
- We believe that the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, is the inspired Word of God and is infallible and inerrant in the original autographs. Ps 19: 8; Mt 5: 17-19; 22: 37-40; Lu 24: 27,44; Jn 1: 45; 5: 46; 17: 17; Ac 17: 2-11; Ro 1: 2; 15: 4.8; Ro16: 28; 2Co 1: 20; Ga1: 8; Ep 2: 15-16; 1 Ti 2: 5; 2 Ti 3: 15-17; He 4: 12; 10: 11; 11: 34; Ja 1: 21-22, 1 Pe 1: 23; 2 Pe 1: 19-21; 1 Jn 2: 3-7; Ap 22: 18-19
- We believe that one Savior, Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, the Supreme Head of the Church, is redeemed unto God by His blood. God used the virgin Mary to give birth to Jesus, who died on the cross for the lost sheep of God, was buried, and rose again on the third day. He now sits at the right hand of God in heaven from whence He is coming again to receive the Church as His bride. Mt 3: 16-17; 11: 27; 16: 28; 27: 62-67; 28: 5-9; 16: 17; Mk 10: 47; 15: 16; 6: 7; Lu 1: 27; 31: 37; Jn 1: 1; 14: 18; 3: 16-17; Ro 5: 10; 10: 10-18; 34: 8; 14: 9 ;1 Co 15: 3-8, 14, 2Co 5: 18-19; Ga 1: 4; 2: 20; Ep 4: 4-5. 5: 2; 1 Ti 1: 15; He 2: 17; 7: 27; 9: 14, 28; 10: 12; 13: 20; 1 Pe 2: 24; I Jn 2: 2; 4: 14
Become a Volunteer
Join Love Kingdom as a volunteer to add to our loving family your skills and spiritual gifts to continue promoting God’s kingdom around the world.
Our Pastor & Leadership Staf
Frantz Lamour
Pastor Frantz Lamour is the founder of Lovekingdom (formerly known as Holy Church of Grace) and Frantz Lamour Ministries Inc. He advocates using kingdom principles and therapeutic interventions based on empirical studies to equip people to manage life’s challenges with strength and grace so they can live their best lives. Frantz holds a BA in Pastoral Ministries from Hobe Sound Bible College, is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in Florida, and is a candidate for a Doctorate Degree in Community Care and Counseling (EdD): Marriage and Family Counseling at Liberty University. He is the author of several published books on Marriage, family, mentoring youth, discipleship instructor’s manual, and Kingdom living.
His books are available on amazon. Frantz and his wife Djenny reside in West Palm Beach, Florida, with their three daughters.

Angeline Germain
Angeline is a dedicated disciple of Jesus and a faithful member of the Love Kingdom. God blesses her with the gift of teaching, and she has been positively touching many lives through teaching the teachings of Jesus to others. As a church board member, Angeling is responsible for the discipleship ministry, helping people learn to be disciples of Jesus and make disciples of Jesus. She is also assisting the marriage ministry by praying for couples and equipping them with kingdom principles to build solid marriages and healthy relationships as couples. We praise God for her loving and humble demeanor through which she serves others for God’s glory.

Marie Denise Jean
Marie has been a loving and faithful member of Love Kingdom for many years. She loves her church and the well-being of God’s people. As a church board member, Marie is in charge of a vital ministry of the church, prayer. Marie prays consistently for God’s will to be done on earth through our ministry and leads the congregation to pray daily to build and maintain intimacy with our Heavenly Father. She is an example who self-sacrifice because of her commitment to putting the needs of others before her own needs. Marie always serves others at the expense of her own life. We thank God for Marie because she is a loving follower of Jesus who wants the best life for everyone.

Linda Lamour
Linda has been with Love Kingdom since the early stages of the ministry. She has served in many capacities, including leading the children’s kingdom ministry into learning kingdom principles to grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Linda sings in the worship team for the English service and provides tutoring to many students across Palm Beach County to help them achieve academic excellence. As a member of the church board, she is responsible for outreach ministries to ensure we share the love of God with our community through serving through many outreach events and participating in different community activities. We praise God for blessing us with such a loving, giving, supportive person as Linda.

Terry Louisdor
Terry is a visionary, loving, and faithful member of Love Kingdom who has served in our ministry with his loving wife (Kerline Louisdor) for several years. He is currently the church board president and operates in different capacities, including planning and conducting rehearsal with the dedicated worship team. Terry is also in charge of events ministry to successfully plan and guide various aspects of the events from beginning to ending. Furthermore, he is leading the tech team to ensure we share our services with the public on Youtube, Facebook, and other social media. We are blessed to have him as part of our kingdom family

Jude Remy
Jude has been faithfully serving the church along with his committed wife (Nadia Remy). He is a veteran who has served in the US military for many years. He is now serving our country as sheriff in Palm Beach County. Jude Remy plays many roles at Love Kingdom Ministries, including leading the Usher team, singing in the worship team, and being in charge of the maintenance to ensure our church building is secured and well-maintained. We appreciate his dedication as a member of the church board.

Dicanor Dorelus
Dicanor and his wife have faithfully served God through Love Kingdom for many years. He is currently in charge of the finance ministry, helping the members of our church learn kingdom principles to manage God’s financial resources in ways that honor him and promote his kingdom on earth. God is using him to help our church accomplish our financial goals to continue serving God’s people and others in the name of Jesus. We appreciate his peaceful demeanor and unwavering commitment to advancing the Gospel of God’s kingdom through Love Kingdom

Edouard Adrasse
Edouard is a zealous member of Love Kingdom and a faithful church board member. He loves the church and God’s people. He is in charge of helping our members discover their spiritual gifts, develop them and deploy them through ministries for the perfection of God’s people. Edouard has also been the choir director for many years. We are grateful to God for his enthusiasm and dedication to Love Kingdom to promote the Gospel of God’s kingdom.